Southern HIV Policy Issues

SASI’s policy reports analyze the impact
AIDS Watch delegation with Rep Adam's officeof federal funding decisions and policies related to HIV prevention, care and treatment on the US South, including the nine Deep South states that are the focus of SASI’s advocacy (AL, FL, GA, LA, MS, NC, SC, TN, TX.)

SASI’s analyses are an important tool for HIV/AIDS advocates in the Deep South seeking a federal commitment to develop models of integrated HIV/AIDS prevention, care and treatment for rural, midsize and urban communities in the US South.

Reports available: 

ANNOUNCEMENT: With the retirement of Director, Carolyn McAllaster, the Southern HIV/AIDS Strategy Initiative (SASI) ended as a separate initiative on July 1, 2019. The research-based policy work of SASI has moved to the Southern AIDS Coalition (SAC). Please visit the SAC Action Center to find SASI’s  Research Reports and Fact Sheets.

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